8 Tips To Set Intentions For a Successful Authentic Life

What does it mean to set intentions for a successful life?

What does it mean to live authentically?

Here are 8 tips on how to set intentions for an authentic life. As you answer the questions, consider what it means to live an authentic life and how mindfulness — present moment awareness — helps. These tips are based on 20+ years of training and experience as a mindfulness and meditation teacher, my own career re-births and journey from trauma, PTSD and chronic fatigue syndrome to happiness and health, and conversations with experts. I share my own reflections only as an example of how to apply tips.

  1. Identify your values. Keep this simple. If you have one week to live, what’s most important to you? What people, places, experiences do you want in your life? Simply, what is most important to you during this limited time frame? For example, I value my closest family and friends, my communities and sharing the hard-earned knowledge that I’ve gained healing my own body, mind and heart. I value most serving others by sharing what I’ve learned to promote health and happiness.
  2. Get present. Use mindfulness techniques to connect with who you are and what you think and feel, right here, right now. Mindfulness is interpreted many ways. For me, the easiest way to think about it is…



Shirley Archer -Eichenberger : The Wellness Sensei

Writes about integrative health, embodied mindfulness and the interrelatedness of life. Follow her on Instagram @shirleyarcher